Monday, November 26, 2018

E98 - Pay for your espresso and coffee with BITCOIN NOW! - Faster Than C...

E98 - Pay for your espresso and coffee with BITCOIN NOW! - Faster Than CASH! -

Hey Kids!

it gets Dean with crypto the wonder dog

I had the pleasure hanging out with guy

named Alex Balaban yesterday in LA at

the insomnia café where they serve the

best lattes on the planet so good I had

to so we're doing a follow up to the

show that I did with Eugene

With paytomat.

it's a simple seamless easy way to make

payments using your crypto there's 18

different 50 18 different tokens

the Friends of you can use it makes it

really fast we showed it in real time

how fast it was actually faster than

using cash faster bands like a credit

believe that enemies it's all done real

time so clips that we put in there with

Alex buying buy in my second month and

then buying a pastry the size of my head

sure enough today

big anyway so I will be

can't eat dinner today tomorrow's

Thanksgiving the Cowboys Vanagon got was

a plane

we'll see what happens there but we

should wear my Jersey combination with

my hand that seems to be a big bling



here is the

but I'd like to remind everyone to like

and subscribe and comment but if you're

gonna comment I had a cat that watched

watched video we did with both pony and

of all the comments that that I get

whenever I'm doing a show with beau one

that I get is typically not that I'm

unprepared but he took the time to

remind me that I didn't prepare we

squabble back and forth bit and then

somebody else chimed in Susannah five

failed to prepare I am prepared to bail

but that's just me I'm

prepare I know I'm gonna talk to him

face it in and we just have a

conversation I don't think you've

watched the show

but I don't I don't typically prepare

her I don't know who I'm gonna talk to

and I'd like to just keep it organic I

don't have any sick questions and people

like to show don't watch it it's like

and areas everybody that that comes on

the show they seem to enjoy the time

with me so I don't know why some

would take the time to watch it

instead of getting something out of it

like huh

maybe maybe I should start buying some

crypto now because it's really freaking

gaze at second base 4:30 Pacific time

here California and my word 45 45 for

the day right now so it's it's creeping

creeping back up I have a little bit of

light coins at 34

everything he got out of it was that

even so I prepared

everyone seems to enjoy the show so

anyway you you enjoy this show all right

you guys ready for the show

all right let's start the show


and is you let's think how I


and you're about half the distance

awesome I love LA but basically it does

now it was a lie I called you at 11:00

and it told me I was gonna it was I'm

taking an hour and 15 to get here it

actually took me an hour and a half and

it took you about you hours to get here

it's I know it's like the the the

transfer rate of the speed and yeah 20

minutes to two hours yeah yeah which is

kind of why we're here today about the

speed of things right absolutely the

speed of making a transaction happen and

this is a follow up to a show that I did

with with Eugene from paid oh man right

right right

how did you how do you how do you know

what I'm good um actually we're an

la-based company okay and we and we met

almost a year ago yeah so we we were

already following their their operation

were you with that you were already

following them oh yeah yeah absolutely

we've been in any crypto industry for a

while we're not only of course working

with cook the world

yeah but crypto of course attracts a lot

of it what is your company and they fund

la fund la fonda okay la fronte comm

rarely fund I oh we we work with

American nightlife Association right now

okay nightlife association org what is

that nightlife association nightlife

association org okay so that's how they

find you exactly okay because we are


like thirty thousand bars and coffee

stores in the whole nation really in the

nation yes Wow so it's a it's a great

thing for us because in a way it's our

laboratory so we can we can actually

help our startups develop their core

businesses there yeah because they're

all merchants all of our bar members and

and for paid Oh Matt it was a great

opportunity as well so we made a

partnership with Parramatta and we're

trying to introduce their their

solutions it works quite well yeah so

I'll talk more about it anyway cool all


and so Eugene turned me on to you and he

said come on down to the insomnia café

which is where we're at right now yeah

right yeah really

oh yeah many big script writers actually

they wrote their Oscar and warded in

here these scripts here get out really

really oh so the guys sat in here and

wrote that script it's at this in this

very spot amazing Wow like years until a

couple years ago they they were not even

accepting credit cards it was a really

old-fashioned cash only

yeah but now imagine they're they're

even accepting crypto the other they

make quite a leaver it's quite a leap

had a great launch over here and it's

important for us because that's the

first place we launched crypto payment

in the in here in here really ok so this

is the first place in LA yes new

paidamma and you know yeah exam and in a

way that's the own that's the first

place in the United States that accents

that many cryptos because there are

happening right now over 18 different

Cryptos over 18 different cryptos really

so I could have I could have paid today

from my latte before you got here I had

my I had a latte which is I gotta say

man one of the best lattes I've ever had

Mama's guys are great yeah it was it was

really good man yeah not only for a

great job but also coffee I wish I would

have saved it because he made the cool

little the little leaf oh of course

and I will pay with kudos oh really okay

so what we're gonna actually we're gonna

record this oh yeah be I'll use I

use this video okay and we'll match this

in later on episode of choose this you

can watch it happen see how fast this is

actually happening because they're not

waiting around 20-30 minutes for it to

transfer immediately much faster than

credit card yeah and a tip in the toilet

and the tip absolutely when I met one

thing I liked the most about their

approach was that they were here to

solve some issues in terms of payments

it's not only about a payment system

they're also about solving some payment

problems especially imagine for example

I like that example they have given to

me and then I we have decided to work

with them because they said okay let me

give you an example you not the

ambulance for example you hire an

outsourced designer in Russia or in

Casablanca Morocco or in Poland doesn't

matter and you want to pay how are you

gonna pay it's so difficult to do pain

dollars it is due to a Russian guy over

there but you can just instantly be a

smart contract if you can pay right away

like in a second yeah and get the

service you want right away it was

amazing it was a great example because

their approach was to solve some

problems not only to establish any

payments platform so it means it gave me

the idea that they are not only planning

the the payment platform they're just

being beyond that they're planning many

other technologies behind yes I liked it

that's how we have started to work

together and so far we did great things

I mean in in LA we're in a couple of

bars and in my partner has just launched

four bars over there I mean with really

romance systems okay and a really big

venues and now he's gonna go to New

Orleans to set up other New Orleans yes

okay Dez yeah exactly

in many bars right yeah I love that

there are bars over there oh yeah I wish

I could no she she really won't let you

go for you she knows what those beads

are for I copy stores goes to bars yeah


I've actually never been there myself

either but really amazing especially you

know it the bars they were so receptive

and we we have started to work with the

oldest bars in the United Stated United

States the oldest bar in oldest bar

which is States I don't remember the

name but I'm telling you I'm going only

to the coffee stores okay he was there

exactly so now we had great showcases we

didn't want to start with 30,000 bars

because we want to see the feedbacks and

optimize the system and platform yeah

see what kind of issues we're facing

what kind of feedback we're getting from

the customers but so far the merchant is

really happy because they're getting

fiat money there right away yeah they

don't have to go and worry about it

worry about the exchange absolute figure

out how to trade it

her converter and the volatility and the

Commission they don't have to pay any

Commission new commission or commissions

so if they were taking a credit card

like I paid the day with a credit card

and I should have used that's the beauty

about about the crypto payment with the

merchants because merchants right now in

the US pretty much they're paying

between one point six up to three

percent commission their credit cards


plus of course the crypto community's a

different committee so that it also

increases the traffic their bar so it's

a win-win situation they don't pay

anything take it they're getting their

money right away in Fiat so it means

they're they don't have to face the

volatility or they don't have to pay any

Commission to the traders the agents

nearly pages yes yes I love it oh I bet

yeah um I haven't seen this in anywhere

else I haven't seen it in Orange County

yet yeah we're here in LA

well we're gonna come to Orange County

are you yeah yeah we can visit you

definitely my partner can take you to a

liquor store you can go during the

daytime but how about after to both you

know buddy's not just kidding of course

I can yeah and also the good the good

thing about about the bars it's it's new

for them so they're just and the

Millennials are using this through they

you know they want to be able to see how

they can use their crypto good so it's

full of crypto right hopefully yeah go

order to the Fiat right no way yeah and

they can see through the dashboard what

whatever you know they got and the good

thing they can also collect the data so

it means what time they if

our drinking more let's at what time

they're drinking more beer oh really

okay so you can break it oh yeah we can

the only mini data to them so which is

really important if you know they can

analyze later on and use it for no one

have specials no one to have sales

things like that right yeah right the of

course you know it's it's it's a peon

err step yeah so it's gonna take time

for the crypto community to get used to

it because most of the crypto community

is invested there they're categorized

like you best their hodling

yeah there is a reason for because

there's a huge volatility in terms of

the value of the coins like to look at

Bitcoin for example it was like nineteen

thousand twenty thousand dollars one

Bitcoin now like around six thousand

well actually today it's forty five is

it yes let's go to here to coinbase

4512 my god oh my god you can't see it

but it's 45 twenty when it's the case

people of course they're just you know

waiting they don't want to spend their

their their coins no they don't I

understand yeah because they if you

bought it at ten thousand

you're not gonna I mean be an idiot to

sell it now totally what our goal is to

make the coins a real utility coins like

it like like US dollars so you can spin

it you can use it for your own

businesses imagine you're buying raw

material from China and you pay with

crypto how fast it is and you know it

would definitely accelerate the business

process yeah but it's gonna take some

time we're aware of that it's also

because of the regulations so once it's

regulated well I think there will be

much less small as

we're not gonna see that yeah so we're

getting ready for impediment is is doing

an amazing job 140 sort of software


I'm sorry forty software people are

working every day to optimize the system

yeah and to create new stuff and this is

not you don't you don't buy anything you

don't you're not putting in extra

equipment in locations no no you don't

need it it's completely device

independent yeah I think goes into the

devices you already have

Ralph's course of course any POS machine

or tablet whatever you use it can be

integrated right away so device in

everyone's one of the sets nowhere for

fuse right no you just integrate it and

certain accepting propensity how long

does it take do you integrate yeah

couple minutes hey we're talking about

coop door hahaha couple of minutes of

course you can integrate it faster than

you can oh yeah transfer Bitcoin you're

just a merchant account and that's it a

crypto merchant account through paid

amount right through paid on that okay

and and then the people that are paying

they just have to download the paid oh

man app okay it takes like a couple of

minutes as well and so I have that on

here like any other app so I go in here

to my Bitcoin folder here okay so I've

got the paytomat come paytomat follow me around

so the paytomat

interface here okay okay I haven't set

it up and I don't I I just downloaded

the app which I guess you downloaded the

merchant app oh is this merchant after

that correct you have to download page

format wallet app yeah if you want to be

a merchant that's fine we can just send

you a car you know a code right away and

you get the merchant no problem if you

want about a option if you want to be a

merchant you know that they just have to

send you a code for and it takes couple

you just connect ijen is gonna send you

right away and you will be connected and

then because I'm you know I do I want to

accept cryptocurrency cuz I'm a

commercial photographer I'm a filmmaker

and so when I do video production

artifact whatever if these guys have the

ability to pay me with crypto I'd love

that oh yeah you can do that right away

BAM of course and I ujin is gonna is

gonna handle it in couple of minutes

yeah yeah good we have to send a call to

the merchants because we have to know

the merchants it is a real merchant or

not yes so that so these guys are real

of course and I saw a I saw a little the

little little QR code yeah up there

do people scan that exactly you scan the

code and you then you just click the

send button and done okay we're gonna do

that in a few minutes and show that how

easy that is

and so you you were on a your your

territory is la Orange County and you're

gonna go around guys are going around

and yes no your other company la fund an

American nightlife versus American

nightlife Association where we were

nerdly with what's the primary function

of that what we do is la fund

we're helping startups but all

innovative startups of course

technology-based erotic startups to

implement their own business solutions

products or services into the retail


which allows them to build an income

here generates an income also showcases

because most of the startups if they

went already through the first round

fund raising you know they have limited

budgets so what they do they prepare for

the second round and the ones who didn't

even go to the first round of course

they're just after raising funds but

right now any venture capital firm or

even angel investors they're looking for

the core business are we generating any

income even if it's five dollars yeah it

does your business model work yeah

that's the main question they ask so we

help them to build that yeah so once

they have that and they generate some

income then all the funds are interested

in them one oh they love it they love it

and also there's a huge synergy between

our startups one of whom is bringing a

technology the other one can use yeah

yeah you know we have like thirty

thousand member bars and they can

contribute because when you talk about

bars and coffee stores we're not only

talking about their main activity but

also they were talking about their

purchases their their their need you

know the services they keep taking buy

more they can sell to their customers

imagine a global I mean not global but

group purchasing system we can offer

them so it would be great because it can

increase their purchasing power and we

haven't startup like that you know

building a special group purchasing

platform online group purchasing

platform on a bidding system yeah so

everybody wins that's our goal that's

how we're helping the startups I mean

are you guys located in silicon beach

yes we are yeah patek you're probably in

silicon beach absolutely how can you be

a part yeah yeah well I don't live there

but definitely our office is there yeah

and we all I mean during the day beer

with it yeah you have to be in the

action well I'd love to check that out

oh yeah I'm alright new to the whole

tech world itself because I you know

I've been in the art world right you

know doing commercial photography and

video productions filmmaking and it's

great where we're working with this

startup right now you would love it

really you

they're worldwide company I mean stop

where do I start up they oh they already

generating great income but we have

partnered right now so help them to do

more they're one of the biggest online

artists booking platform artists booking

yeah from DJ to photographers oh yeah

for the damage and for the varsity so we

are integrating our bars and and and

coffee stores and restaurants with them

so any venue yeah who requires an artist

like DJ or performer now they can use

for singers bands whatever

and we're also bringing in Pedro man

there so they can pay with crypto yeah

so that's our our main idea actually you

know making the puzzle at the venue yeah

yeah absolutely

okay uh-huh this is working things are

happening more yeah we're not just

thinking about an idea this is actually

real world absolute that's that's our

main goal

yeah make things happen because until

now you know we have all these projects

great startup scene a great business

models but you know people need to see

what's happening yes and now they do

yeah that's why you know Parramatta is

all over the news right now why because

they're making it happen in pain

absolute you can pay what is the you

know what the breakdown of hate and that

means oh you know what I think I think

you know you have to ask Eugene okay

because they're not from the states you

know that yeah but they're in many

European countries in Ukraine and here


so the founder I don't know exactly what

he was thinking yeah but should be

something nice yeah because they're

really creative people okay yeah yeah

all right so

Coffee the coffee's inmates isn't it oh


here's any time the cop is wonderful

yeah so well tell you what let's let's

move over to the to the register oh yeah

if we can figure that out

of course yeah let's do that okay cool


here is actual real world happening what

hey you like to play with it guys - is

okay perfect I don't have cash I know

creep Joss well I just opened my pet on

that wallet


do they put in this Pam you won't watch

me what do you what do you want to try

huh yeah whatever that phenomenal locked

a world that he made last put the tip on

as well thank you I want to pay this it

with the crypto sir yeah


perfect is that the interface is it the

patron interface or is that your own yes

it's explained to me that means right so

we should the currency we're gonna pay

with a - we're going to create the QR

code please scan what no it's my process

I just - send spend your art code


dun dun dun dun dun

does hate with crypto exactly and you

get your money

what's that you got your money already

oh yeah wait actually did that's where

it's been paid and is already all the

way exactly right

exactly unbelievable

so you saw here

so you saw here we paid the crypto

instantly there was no no pay to Matt

Hardware you know it was it was done

right through here no neat phenomena

bring out things I'll make sure says

wrong for the moments right

okay so that's the demonstration on how

to use beta mat at the insomnia café

where where they wrote American sniper

written right here a magic just happened

yes coffee just half Desmond he just

made that I should have recorded the

whole thing happening but I always been

fascinated about how people make that

I've never been only with myself and

make a lot to you for myself every

morning I can't do it but I appreciate

it thank you very much didn't tell the

truth to all your viewers tell them that

you actually the one who made it

thank you

okay so we're gonna we're gonna order a

pastry now and we're gonna pay with

which which is yours we're gonna pay

with hips just like a doesn't move

hey good what make sure we do like next

which one what do you like which one do

you like um gee willikers Mike yeah look

at those things

these almond croissants pretty good

there's world with it looks crazy good

whatever they both yeah whatever that

looks crazy good yeah okay



okay so that thing's enormous it's quite

small it's like well like like it okay

so we're gonna pay what he owes

alright you guys been with us this time

he to to choose dojo

you see I'm faster than the merchant I

know I just click yes and code and yes

social security number how fast was that

but it was it was the fastest payment in

the human being history your barista is

little over-caffeinated wait my pastry

that's bigger than my head look at that

I don't think that thing is good okay

here we are again yeah so we just went

through the whole process of how easy it

was to pay with cryptocurrency at a cafe

and get your copy before it's cold

exactly get your coffee before it's gone

it will put a little caramel caramel

caramel syrup and and this pastry that's

the size of my head and looks tasty

though yeah we're gonna have to cut that

in half because I can't eat the whole


oh I cannot eat sweet no I'm not like


no no you're not like me you know no no

you in shape but you you have a lot of

sweet that's what I'm saying otherwise

you're totally in shape actually I'm

wondering you know if I could I could

eat as much sweet as you you know I will

during the day though the whole thing is

like I have to not eat and then I'll

have something like that then are you

guys I guess I'll eat on Thanksgiving

now of course so I don't believe between

today's Tuesday I won't believe so you

like sweet so you should like Pedro Matt

it's so sweet well some more it will

market at y'all right so what else you

got going on today what are you doing oh

you know it's all our projects and

everything so we're busy like really

really oh yeah if you're making phone

calls you you yeah how hard is it to

call up a place like insomnia café and

say hey you need to start accepting

crypto oh we had no problem at all with

any coffee stores or bars we're

approaching really first of all you know

they're there there are members like

American nightlife Association secondly

what we're bringing in so you're already

contacting people you're near I okay so

write your network you don't have we

already have a lot of members right now

a lot of people who are interested you

know to offer their to their clients new

stuff and and pedometers is great for


you know they're happy with because

everyone is with it when it's a win-win

situations yeah so I mean we don't have

to do a lot of effort for no we were

just explaining in like five minutes

there they're already in because it's

nothing out of their pocket exactly

don't have to change anything out if

something is getting integrated into

they don't stay for anything

yeah just integrated very little

learning curve right of course because

anybody can your your wallets already

set up for you I mean you know learning

about how to make coffees like hundred

times more difficult than you know using

Kryptos easier paid Oh Maddie's yeah

it's so sweet the first day that I

bought the first time I bought Bitcoin

fellas time it took me three days to

figure out how to do it just to figure

out because there's no one out there

going hey this is how you buy Bitcoin

you know and it's that's their

difference so it's good yeah and now

yeah it's release you know it's it's

becoming seamless very simple

transaction I mean the the simpler it is

yeah the more difficult for our software

engineers to make absolutely are just

trying to make it very simple for users

yeah and we have a very user-friendly

dashboard for the merchants as well I

mean you saw it it's so easy to use it

look very very you know boom boom boom

of course that's it and not a lot of

buttons to push you just yeah you know

and it literally was faster than using

cash oh yeah it was literally fast

within cash true cash is yeah you're

right pull out a $10 bill exactly then

you have to get the change and now you

have to give the tip yeah yeah and you

do that awkward thing where you you want

to see them put that you want them to

see you put that dollar in their bucket

and just before you do they always turn

around and say look I've done that so

many times oh I'm about to put the

dollar in they turn

I put it in them like now they're gonna

think I didn't but the only thing with

with the crypto and pay romance system

you saw how it works yeah you know I

said at the tip so you gotta be careful

because how much is it ain't no I'm just

kidding you see anyways yeah the world

is sometimes too generous yeah yeah yeah

which is good which is good for the

environment it is good for it for the

bar bartenders baristas and yeah that's

very good you know and right now you're

you're you're tipping what you what you

might be tipping today because bitcoin

is at $4,300 if it goes to $10,000 you

just give him like a $200 tip that's in

other points absolutely you just give a

yeah yeah a $300 cup of coffee

exactly that's the beauty about yeah

yeah so they love it yeah I mean you

know all bar and coffee store workers

they just love it I bet it's fast then

they can serve more people so you know

they can get more tips they can they can

just accomplish their tasks so

everything's done easier and from what I

understand in China right now in China

or Japan or everyone's getting really

used to doing this oh yeah they're not

using cash they're not using credit

cards they're doing that right that's

that's correct so we're way behind when

it comes to that right um in terms of

technology and we're not behind the

thing why we are slower than them is the

regulations the regulations yeah yeah

because you know the SEC security

Exchange Commission is paying great

attention yes

due to the I SEOs first way yeah like

it's been like a year a lot of things

happening right

but it's normal I was expecting that

once it's regulated I don't think we're

gonna be behind we're gonna be much

ahead but right now they're just

enjoying of course China or or or or or

Australia they're they're faster to

implement yeah because they they don't

have that many regulations to order but

once regulated I think we're gonna be

ahead because we are developing a lot of

new stuff over here yeah and the

regulations aren't hard to hold a man

down the regulations are to keep people

safe and I really believe it you know

and SEC is not as bad as people think

now you just now know the rules which

are very simple I did a show yesterday

with a guy that said look you can be

legal in an afternoon

I can I can take a company that's enough

with my co and I have them completely

legal by the afternoon absolute with

very little hoops to jump through

you just follow all the rules and the

SEC is very kind to you and you know

what actually it's been good too

because I remember the internet balloon

back to 2000 yeah and everybody said you

know oh is we're gonna be billionaires

there has been some billionaires of

course but then there has been a crash

and when it's crashed

everybody said oh it's going down it was

nothing but now we're still in the

Internet age all right I mean we're

using it everywhere because of the

regulations and and like you know

normalization let's say it's been as it

has to be so I think it's gonna be the

same thing with crypto world mmm now

it's gonna be much better but we have to

wait a little bit for the for the

regulations to be sad to be in I mean

established because it takes time yeah

but once it's it's done we're there

you're gonna take off

oh yeah yeah we're there it'll be

superfast and we're gonna be yeah

do you think this more and more on and

also a really good players are gonna

stay on the market which is good for the

customers too

yeah which is good for the Masters too

because there has been really

let's say fake I see us not in the

States maybe even in the States but

abroad all over the world

and it's not good I know there has been

so many crypto people crypto companies

that are fooling people but now there is

not anymore there's not that chance


which is good for companies like Pedro

man you know spending so many dollars

and so many people using so many people

and do trying to do the good things yeah

yeah yeah and it was it was almost a

becoming a vulgar word to say ICO

you know and people are trying to stay

what steer away from that now there I

the you know different different ways

there was even a company that was

working with called ICO max they changed

her name to digimax because they didn't

want to have the ICO in that exactly I

wanted to just separate themselves from

them in DNA you know they have really

slowed down because they want to select

really good ones so it's gonna be much

better I really believe that with the

real players you know the real players

yeah exactly and it's it's it's

definitely weeding itself out you know

it didn't take much time one of these

fake players are getting weeded out and

you know the creams I think they're

already ours because with dead market

fake players they cannot be on the

market at all yeah yeah it's over and

now we're just gonna try to build again

everything not from the scratch but

definitely much better yeah yeah awesome

well I'm glad we're here for the birth

of this and moving on and thank you

making great partnerships and thank you

friends and it's been a great tool

clicks thanks a lot

yeah you like that see you soon maybe in

Orange County great that's absolute

person will be there



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