[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YuocYcUdR-c]
E95 - Early Christmas Sale on BITCOIN and CRYPTOCURRENCIES! 50% OFF! AND - Is there a $10,000 BTC coming in December??? All indications point to YES!!!
Chart analytics from the Wall St Cheat Sheet! Mirroring BTC movement.
Mr. Polny is an experienced analysis of TIME and specialists in the Gold, Silver and the stock markets. He has successfully TIMED the 2011 $1900 Gold & $49 Silver cycle tops, China’s April 2015 Stock Market top, the December 3, 2015 final gold bottom at $1045, the December 15, 2016 gold bottom at $1124 while the US Dollar was making its FINAL TOP at 103.50 and most recently the bitcoin and US stock market tops in January 26, 2018.
He currently is forecasting a Stock Market PLUNGE in 2018 that in turn will cause bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, gold and Silver to react violently upwards into new all‐time highs this year 2018. Fortunes are about to be lost by those unprepared;
while made by those prepared!
PO Box 11598
Newport Beach, CA
Phone: (949) 244-2016
Email: GOLD2020forecast@aol.com
website: https://www.gold2020forecast.com/
and you've been all over the world
you know I don't want to travel anymore
this year I've traveled enough yeah yeah
we've did a lot of traveling we finished
in Hawaii he finished in Hawaii
now yeah that was wrong but the best
part was actually was funded us and then
beyond that we went to before there was
a crypto cruise in the Caribbean yeah I
well it was just you know John McAfee
was there Charlie Lee was there from
litecoin yeah it's a three-day cruise or
40 cretin four-day cruise yeah three
nights and I went all the way from
sorrow from Barcelona which is
incredible food oh my gosh Barcelona was
amazing and then from there we went to
the ship went over to Monaco
that was rough and their family with you
know there's no life okay and then from
there when two things Ibiza is
pronounced oh my god we went to this
this Beach Club Wow fun yeah yeah and
what a trip and beyond now with it you
know there was Europe this year and
everything else just a lot of it was
beautiful but too much traveling yeah
most of it was half with more than half
was work-related so that's good yeah you
gonna hang out with John yeah yeah chat
with him talk to me Alison yeah yeah I'm
a conversation with John was a crazy
person is he is yeah yeah buddy but he's
very he's a nice man he's a very bizarre
is it and he friended me yesterday on
LinkedIn really yeah oh good yes it was
crazy because we only had like
30-something people in common huh he
doesn't have very many connections on
there and I was like oh it's some fake
one and I went and it's actually him
really even know but he didn't write
back well you know the cool thing was
I've never had a Twitter account right
yeah ever he was like hey don't you have
a Twitter account no I never had to you
know try to stay off social media
I'm tool so then finally I open up a
Twitter account maybe like four months
ago and one of the first five people you
know it was Ivanka Trump no way ya know
cause any on Trump fan so we've had some
ups and downs this and the reason I want
to get holy because I'm still trying to
wrap my head around you know the
investing part of it I talked a lot of
people who are in the into the Bitcoin
thing is a you know he wants to be part
of the show the people in the in the
blockchain part of it but very rarely do
we get to really talk about the the
investing part the really making money
part the beautiful part of shooting in
nature so and I'm sure that a lot of
people that want to know you know you
can make money whether the markets up or
down so what do we what do we have today
well you know yes you can make money but
the thing is with making money in the
markets is they have to move and there's
been such little price movement in the
past since August yeah thirty sixty five
right yeah I just wanna say you know the
finally they took it down a little bit
you know the earlier part of this week
but really it's been stuck it's been
stuck in the between you know and they
went down at 55 this week but otherwise
you know 65 it's been stuck for three
months so on all of September all of
October and down and now November yeah
so I in with a frustration out there I
just really like took a little time
today and before the new I knew you know
we're gonna interview today and I took
this chart that's kind of been on the
it's called The Wall Street cheat sheet
The Wall Street cheat sheet yes and I
and I overlaid bitcoins cycle that we're
watching right now in 2018
on to the chichi
and basically what it shows is where we
what I've tried to illustrate on the
chart is what is a frustration that
everybody has with cryptocurrencies the
investment side of it and and why it's
been so stuck yeah not going anywhere
and and really and and I wanted to
illustrate how in in the end when I say
in the end meaning like as time
progresses and how cycles ultimately win
and you've been following this for a
while so you know that you kind of know
what's gonna happen right yeah so so a
cycle can be stalled out for a month for
two months you know for four years
sometimes or for a long time but
depending on how long the ultimate
pattern is so like a silver and gold
chart for example see that that wedge is
a seven-year wedge so it's right that's
been stalled out this long okay but
Bitcoin on the other hand is only a
one-year wedge so maybe like a nine
eight month wedge okay when I say
wedging like a triangle and so the price
is fit within that triangle so the
bigger the bigger the wedge the more
time it can it can it can expand so but
Bitcoin really it's it's an extent
they're holding the price and the chart
really illustrates our really nicely how
Bitcoin today the 16th of November
should be trading at around $10,000 okay
but is trading in $5,500 but half that
so the chart is kind of kind of cool I'd
done so if you can post on and post it
with a video but what it shows is really
this is nothing but an early Christmas
sale okay that's really what we're
staring at right now like anybody who's
investing encrypt cryptocurrency
especially Bitcoin is buying it half off
right now
that's an awesome way to look at it and
and and remember because Bitcoin was
priced at ten thousand or fifteen or
twenty thousand the game of paper is
kind of over with oh yeah you were
talking about that last night you know
and so that's that's really what's
happening is that the there is immense
manipulation going on in the markets
right now and the chart actually
illustrates it really really well and so
the price manipulation is holding it so
it basically flatlined kind like a dead
person yeah that's really what's
happened but instead price should be
price since the month of August it's
supposed to be on an upcycled okay since
August yeah we were talking about that
we was it was yeah we saw that the cup
handle and yeah and it was like it was
gonna take off right it kind of did and
it just installed so here's here's
here's the try gonna hold that we can
look and look at it together so on the
top that's that's you can anybody can go
on the internet and find that scan
Street cheat sheet yeah psychology of a
market cycle yes exactly so it talks
about how the markets work and it's very
actually interesting and and if anything
this sheet really clearly shows how Wall
Street really understands how how the
psychology of a market works but this
sheet is Alton going to come back and
bite him in the butt because what
they've done is they've distorted nature
so through the use of derivative
contracts and everything that they're
doing right now to suppress the price of
Bitcoin they're going against the market
cycle that they actually Illustrated so
what you'll notice is from the low here
what month is that that's summer like
last year than July or something so in
July August of last year 2017 that's
kind of where the page starts out on the
left hand side you'll see the price move
and then once it got into December to
exploded vertical so you see it
explosion vertical got to a 20,000 okay
you can see the same thing in the cycle
here basically it's a myriad it's an
it's incredibly similar yes you can just
go find this on on the Internet I didn't
make this this is what it's it's crazy
okay so just double D actually shows the
website WWE cheat sheet calm notes this
is right so Wall Street created this and
then they know that this is how the
psychology of markets work and and
really off all the studies I don't over
the years this is actually relatively
accurate chart yeah it
because because yes because that's how I
would look at chart powders and then
chart cycle that's exactly how they
would work and then what my analysis
does is I incorporate time into it so I
put time patterns into it or time so I
my analysis would give me time points
for the highs and a low so my analysis
actually was forecasting not the green
top here at 20,000 yeah but my analysis
was forecasting the top here in yellow
right whereas right under says
complacency yeah okay so I based on in
November of 2017 I was on stage and nosh
in the San Francisco State and the
bitcoins gonna top the first week of
January so that was right there okay so
I was speaking what it was here and I
knew the top was going to come in there
and then from that top it plunged yeah
okay so Bitcoin topped yes it did top in
December 20,000 when they came up to an
18,000 in January the first week which
what was supposed to do and then and the
cycle that I had that I was following
and at home January 6th and January 7
the market began to plunge Wow and so
the markets have been plunging since
January 7th they dropped all the way
down and it's really fascinating but you
know you look at this triangle it's
carve see the red line that I drew out
here it shows how beautifully the
markets have fallen in it replicated out
the pattern nearly identical okay so the
final capitulation point comes in in
August that's that's in the red right
here okay so I drew that down in a label
this August 2018 okay okay so that in
theory was supposed to be the final low
it's supposed to be the final low right
okay from looks of Wall Street was there
exactly so so and so my analysis I'm
taking the Wall Street cheat sheet and
I'm giving time points to it okay okay
so I'm applying my my studies that I
that I've done over the years and
applying to the cheat sheet to make it
help helpful people to be for people to
understand and then I've drawn lines
make it clearly illustrative so August
2018 was supposed to the final loan yeah
okay and you'll notice what happened was
it did come off that low and it bounced
a no-no in size but then the
manipulation kicked in and you'll see
ever since the August low at base e
flatlined yes okay so bitcoins gone
flatline and you'll see since the August
on the cheat sheet it's supposed to be
going upwards yeah okay and it's
supposed to begin to accelerate again in
mid-october here and start to go
vertical again and today there's a I put
a blue arrow there titled at Nov
November and that's Tamara today rougher
than about the Knights today's the 16th
and you'll notice that the top line
should be coming in right about where it
was in May so right around $10,000 Wow
okay so you'll see this it's supposed to
be coming in around right here yep
$10,000 right okay so the last last top
was in May so it should be topping it
around $10,000 today instead it's
sitting at $5,500 Wow okay so what we're
staring at right now is the 50% sale
that's why it's that's why I've
Illustrated out--we so what we're
looking at if you buy today my cycle
forecast that the next top will come in
it is expected if with if the
manipulation breaks which I believe it
will between today when we're talking
yeah in the month of December and this
is what the 16th of the summer so
between teh the 16th and December the
manipulation will crack fracture and
they're gonna start to lose control by
doing the loss of control begin to lose
control Bitcoin will immediately go to
$10,000 between now and December between
now and December yes
now if it doesn't happen in a cycle
it'll take longer but ice the
probability is extremely extremely small
so the probability of being 10,000 plus
by December's I'd say high 90% Wow
I know so and the reason for that is
there's there's a there's an underlying
factor okay
I've been I was interviewed on the 24th
of October by CNBC and on stage I on the
presentation ice like guys I was
indicating that in the month of November
and before the words were before year
end the world markets will plunge well
will crash okay
now I don't mean Armageddon type of
thing where they go to zero or whatever
or not I'm talking about maybe between a
25 to no said between a 25 to a 30 40
percent market correction okay quick and
so is that part of everything no no no
this is this is bit this is the Bitcoin
shot looking okay but in order for
Bitcoin to go up something has to go
down stock market stock market right so
if the stock market goes down so the
assets and and the loss of confidence in
the stock market if that happens then
people will look for something that's
more stable and as crazy it is bitcoins
gonna be stable not only stable it's
gonna be an asset class people
immediately look to because it's printed
in limited quantities is only gonna be
21 million bitcoins versus a paper
currency the fiat dollar is basically
imprinted to infinity okay and that's
what they've been doing it for all these
years already so it's not it not
attached to gold and it's it it's
basically been printed to infinity so
because of that soon enough we're gonna
see the dollar and the world stock
markets plunge when that happens
bitcoins gonna go vertical okay and
that's but that was the jet does the
bottom line of my presentation I spoke
with CNBC is that the cryptocurrencies
are gonna go up because stock market
crashes it is that does that transfer
across to all all cryptocurrencies yes
yes right so when I say Bitcoin I
specifically meeting cryptocurrencies
okay now I personally even though I'm
showing it a bit the Bitcoin chart here
I very little Bitcoin okay and the
reason is is because there's it in my
newsletter when you look at it you know
when you've studied my newsletter
there's there's alternate coins in there
okay and there are some alternate coins
that they didn't fall by a little bit
see so if you look at bitcoins price
when 20,000 down to say 55 that's about
a 73 percent correction so it lost about
73 percent of its value from 20,000 ish
okay which is sizable but there are
alternate coins that fell but anywhere
between nine most alternate most and
many alternate coins fell between high
80s into the 90s some as high as like
97% from their highs in the early part
20:17 there are coins that were valued
that is one that comes to my of a lead
at $500 currently trading at 22 bucks
which one was a veritasium okay so think
and then on the low is at $15 was about
a week ago - was that ever in the top
ten coins ah no but I think I moved up
to the top 30 the time when it was at
$500 you know so maybe top 50 now so so
the and this is just an example you can
go through all the coins and look where
they were priced out in January and
December and February and look at their
prices now there's coins you know that
are pennies on the dollar can what -
what they were so so looking at a coin
based today and you know looking at at a
theorem and 170 bucks yeah and I wasn't
didn't didn't a theorem hit a thousand
or it was like 14 right it was yeah yeah
so I got it I I actually got some I'd
done some work and some I paid me and
aetherium mm-hmm $800 right you know
yeah and then it just just started
trickling down you said it's worth today
roughly what $175 yeah you see so that's
the thing so so back to the chart here
right so if you believe in crypto
currencies right then you're better off
just at understanding what happened on
running just taking out a calculator and
doing your own homework
so if coin fell 95 percent lower lost
90% of 95 percent of its value and its a
solid coin it has like a good reason to
own it right
the probability of it out performing
Bitcoin on the way up is huge right so
so if Bitcoin doubles in price as an
example let's say going from five to ten
in my newsletter I cover several coins
that I think will do five to ten X you
know they'll do they'll do five times to
ten times move possibly as bitcoins
going to $10,000 right even if they go
through your 4x that's still incredible
but they will signal
secondly outperform Bitcoin just because
bitcoin is an expensive coin to buy and
if you're a first-timer you're gonna
want to own a whole coin of course not a
fraction of a Bitcoin right yeah and
then so like coin at $45 is is an
incredible steal as an example relative
to buying one Bitcoin at 40 at fifty
five hundred dollars right so so that's
that's really so some of these some of
these very solid coins are gonna
significantly outperform Bitcoin going
into December so if you look at the
chart here you know it's the when this
manipulation breaks because of what I'm
describing a market event the market
event is gonna cause price to meet time
now what that means is if a cycle can
started last year and a ten say in
December right if that's be the case
then the time expires in December and
get it yeah so price must meet time by
the month of December which means that
price would have to therefore explode to
get to that time to get to that price
but-but-but-but cycle theory says that
cycles win yeah regardless you've seen
this over and over yeah no no that's the
thing in sand so it doesn't matter
they've manipulated the price but
ultimately they're gonna lose and
bitcoins gonna explode vertical and
we're gonna see immense prices now if it
doesn't happen on this next cycle which
will be December then we have to look
into next year but I don't think we're
gonna need to do that and the reason
being is because we need a market event
to trigger the explosion okay my stock
analysis points to a market event coming
in before year-end now into December
okay so even though you know
everything's for happy happy joy joy in
the stock market today the 16th the
market closed I think a hundred points
positive and everybody's talking how
beautiful it is it ain't gonna be so
beautiful in the next few weeks so
that's the problem
and the market event will trigger a lack
or a loss of confidence in the monetary
paper system causing an explosion in in
in kryptos and Bitcoin could two
cryptocurrencies and also causing a big
very big move to begin in precious
metals gold and silver yeah you were
saying that you say - but the silver
that you think silver is silver set to
go you know it's it's set to go it's
gonna go here I think my pattern
analysis indicates that they're moving
very similarly right now in terms of
timing Bitcoin might be a day or two
ahead of precious metals Wow okay but
we're really close right now so when you
see one go I was right behind it okay so
I think Kryptos might go first if I'm
not mistaken but we'll see but whichever
one goes first the Upton precious metals
army right behind the crypto currencies
and they're all gonna just go go crazy
into year-end there's gonna be a massive
monetary shift because of the financial
event is about to happen in the stock
markets are the stock markets are those
guys are they are they starting to buy
more and more cryptocurrencies or they
look at that that it's it's on its way
out if you know trend all that would be
speculation on my end but but I can tell
you what are you but I can tell you
after going to all these conferences
there is so much money going into crypto
currencies okay into the into the
technology of it the technology into the
technology into the patents you know in
terms of rising there is when this
conference they show it's an exponential
growth and and patent applications for
the for the blockchain
oh yeah it's it's and so if you have
exponential growth and impact and
applications and and money being
invested into the blockchain into all
these development of it yeah okay
there's no way this is going away no
it's just that when it when it rises
it's gonna be something that's gonna be
opposite of what the the guys that own
the paper want yeah that's really what
it is but if you can go to you can go to
um to sit was it Singapore or somewhere
in out east yeah and I think those
Taiwan but I was watching videos they
don't except there's no currency
transactions going on at all all the
people there all the young kids they all
have phones yeah and they all do the QR
scanner so when they go when they walk
through the street to buy food and thing
off the stands there's there's a picture
of a QR scanner and they just simply
scan the QR and then they pay for
whatever they're taking and they go so
they're just it's just out east it's
just it's incredible how everybody's got
a phone and they're paying for
everything off the key ours off the QR
scanner yeah I'm just off of their phone
and then the vendors are automatically
getting getting their money so this is
up and running and live out out east
yeah we're seeing more and more of the
technology that we were hearing about
and the ideas that were coming up with
the blockchain technology yeah but I'm
seeing that putting into place now
people are actually using it yes exactly
and it's so it's functional it's usable
yeah it's just that out here in the
United States and and busy everywhere
where this very heavy monetary influence
in terms of paper influence right
they're trying to the banker is here do
not want this to rise it's because it's
it because if there's rise it's there
they're not rising that's to their
yeah and so it's it's just and so really
what we've but what this chart like
really clearly illustrates is the clash
of two worlds the two worlds collide
really you've got one world that's basic
if you've watched some of my videos I as
of the end of October the world of this
paper monetary system officially closed
as crazy as it sounds but as of October
the world monetary the old system is the
door the door to what is closed right
now we're in the transition that in the
limbo stage and by the time December
comes and in the month of December the
doors will open to a new monetary world
and the new monetary world whether they
like it or not the chart illustrates
that the price will jump up and it's
start to take off but the new monetary
world will be a world of hard assets
gold and silver
and assets that can be used as money
over large distances of space which
would be cryptocurrencies for allowing
for transactions you know globally
because you because no one can use gold
or silver to transact go Belize so
so those precious metals will be
considered you know well I'm still store
as a value in in in a surprise Gold Rush
because that's really what's about to
happen a very large surprise surprise
Gold Rush no one is expecting and the
money's just gonna the precious metals
are gonna explode in value along with
the cryptocurrencies are you buying
why not buying I have oh yeah I just I
think I you know III what I'd what I'm
speaking out of space you know that's
what I believe in you know so value true
value is not in a stock market or in
paper currencies anymore true value is
is is in an up isn't a new monetary
system that's about to rise beginning in
this Daman to December yeah well the
doors really will open to it you will
see when was describing come December
because between today the 16th of
November and the month of December we're
gonna see a monetary shift happen where
we basically are gonna see the mark the
stock markets take a hit yeah sizable
not a little familicide market
correction a sizable market correction
enough to shake the world and and and
and have the world looks for all to
alternate you know place to put their
money Wow okay when when when people you
have people calling you asking you for
advice on what to buy and and I don't
give advice cuz I've really not a
financial planner yeah I write a my
analysis and everyone elseÃs my which
you get you look in the analysis it has
they've got 31 alternate coins in there
yeah I have them a top 10 10 10 and 10
so you know but all the coins are
supposed to do very very well and
there's a few my favorites that you know
that I list in there yeah of which I
expect to do extremely well a far far
outperforming Bitcoin there is a few
coins that
their cycle patterns are quite similar
to that of Bitcoin if you study them
historically but their power is far
excessive of the Bitcoin there's one
coin that has gone up five fourfold
since August relative to Bitcoin you
know system we just yeah yeah so there's
coins like that that are outperforming
Bitcoin on a percentage basis so if
you're so I look at if you're going to
put your money into cryptocurrencies put
it to maximum use but you want to put it
but you also want to think about putting
in safe coins because you don't some of
these coins you gotta be careful yeah
because there's like a thousand coins
out there right so of the thousand coins
I think there's maybe 20 or 30 that are
really good ones which we cover in the
report but of those thousand coins I
would say 800 900 are going to go to
zero eventually because because they
don't have a use really people have good
intentions who created them but ultimate
is cons that are gonna sum what do what
those gonna do anyways and you're not
really gonna need them you know but the
number one coins I think right now are
the usage coins in terms of cash coins
okay so the ones that are disabled coins
state well stable coins yes but also
cash coins really liked it for sending
setting values okay like like you know
so you pay somebody with a dollar bill
right yeah well when we if you don't
want to do that you know people are
using Bitcoin right now yeah to pay with
with through the you know through the
internet however bitcoin is on the slow
side so sarah theorems quicker and then
like coins even faster so there's so you
want to get like coins that are very you
know that you know that you don't know
homework on you've research and you know
they're very good coins but but I think
that the coins are going to have the
strongest initial value or the initial
move the ones that are gonna be used for
money yeah transactions of course more
so than function because there's other
coins that are going to give you credit
card functions things like that but
there are those coins you can fantastic
once you need it
yes first you need the money flow and
then you're gonna need need the you need
need them in a working machine to make
them work better yeah you know and I did
a show with a with a company called paid
to Matt mm-hmm I don't you've heard of
them yet Peter matcom so they've they've
created the software that integrates
into into your transaction processing
like credit card swipers into the PayPal
and to
square where you can actually get paid
with cryptocurrency okay and you can
transfer that into into Fiat right away
yeah that immediate use case yes yes
waiting on the transaction time
yeah Bitcoin you're actually being paid
and they have something built into it if
you're a restaurant and you're the
waiter or whatever you get your tips
right away cut away it cut away so
you're not even in into into Bitcoin or
whatever yeah you can get paid in the
crypto and you can start certain little
cash flow but that's a beautiful example
of how efficient blockchain technology
is yes
say yeah yeah that's everything about it
is so efficient because you can
segregate it do these little bits
because because it's all computerized
yeah so you can basically do really
amazing things with it because it's a
really lot of smart people in this world
there's this there's an immense
population of people miss world are so
smart and they've been suppressed
they've not been able to expose their
genius because embroiled monetary
systems been basically running the world
with her with her with her paper game no
no and so it's really neat to see you
know where they're not surprising us
marginally some of the technology you
know that I've gone some the blockchain
conferences man that the technology
that's coming out is kind of crazy
yeah really awesome like very smart
people are putting some really amazing
things together yeah it's great to see
that actually working now you know is
that I think that was one of the biggest
problems that people were going to these
conferences and they were seeing the
ideas and a lot of these guys were
scammer you know they would they would
take put an IC o---- out click all the
money and disappear right you know and
now this is starting they're starting to
weed that out yeah we're seeing the ones
that are that are coming about and
actually doing something with that and
it's great to see yeah but but
ultimately it's just it's it's about a
trend we're all it's this is all about
the transition of it's a monetary
transition yeah that's really what we're
watching and we're we are living in an
incredible time yeah like we're wearing
a watch and experienced a monetary shift
like no like nothing we've ever seen
them yeah it doesn't have anything like
and we're and even if
tonight this is a good example just a
simple example where somebody's all why
don't have 5,000 or 10 or 20,000 drop in
a Bitcoin you know okay I just want you
to know like two years ago when I first
heard about ripple right
yeah I wonder and it was so hard to buy
this stuff you have to go to the bank
I was only Bank of America you could go
to because there's only there's like
this it was impossible to get it and
really send a money order to this like a
bank and then so I said on my 200 bucks
to buy like so ultimately I think I'm in
the singlet ultimately I'm getting like
$2,000 over there but it's like it was
like a 200 buck increments cuz you can
only send to it at all dollars at the
time right time was point zero zero two
you said so had two zeros are front of
it right Wow so for every one cents yeah
so for every $200 that you're buying I
think you wasn't it you're a hundred
thousand yeah so the point is it's just
it was funny to watch when it's hard to
go up and I had a whole bunch of them my
point is you don't putting in two
hundred dollars into criminal yes on the
bottom here on the sale of a lifetime is
real isn't it just an example right you
know that that that's if you add $200
you put zeros or front of it that can
easily be a hundred two hundred thousand
dollars you know in a few years from now
maybe two years from now yeah yeah I'm
saying so imagine that change or maybe
in a year from now you don't know right
because some of these coins couldn't do
numbers like that yeah they're they will
they will move probably a thousand maybe
50 100 200 fold some of these coins over
the next couple of years
mm-hmm it really is going to be that big
of a monetary shift when when when
Bitcoin hits their 21 million is that
what it is when millions we yeah I know
it's total 1 million I don't know much
about that I haven't okay but I know
there's still a few more million to mind
yeah there know yeah yeah there's still
a few are a million to mind yeah we're
like 14 million
like 14 million bit quotes I'm gonna say
I got of course yeah I don't know yeah
but we'll we'll obviously it's gonna
it's gonna be the supply and demand
thing giving a value give me a value and
it's getting is it gonna continue to go
up and no matter what is it gonna just
continue to go up
well bitcoins gonna go up it once the
21st million oh that coin is wanted
there's no more I don't know I don't
know but I can tell you the cycle is got
its got a multi-year up cycle many many
years forward still so Bitcoin regards
of how many they whenever they get to
that 21 million you know Bitcoin this
year is gonna finish relatively nice
nice it'll jump outta sizably next year
is gonna be really awesome for all
cryptocurrencies in Bitcoin so next year
is gonna be really really really
fantastic you know there's gonna be many
many wealthy people made next next year
okay but so and then you know then
there's still more years forward for a
crypt of course it's not like it has has
a two year lifespan it's gonna have many
many many years for yeah and then though
there'll be more technology coming out
and more right so that's when you have
like a more you space where you'll have
coins that you know a more functional
and so certainly reads a company that
adds a lad advance to the blockchain to
make it you work better or something but
right now you know some of those coins
might be really cheap but they're gonna
take a long time to get going still just
because you know you know the it's the
coins that are gonna transact value
right now I think are the more the key
coins I'm looking out right now yeah
stable coins would be okay Wow okay so
if if people want to want to get a hold
of you what do they do well I think the
first thing you want to do is just kind
of get educated on on on what blockchain
is and what cryptocurrencies are and
what gold and silver are yeah I'm go to
our website gold 2020 forecast there's a
handful of videos there I knew these all
the time right whenever I get an urge to
do that my face they get in I kind of
get an urge sometimes to make a video
but a lot of my videos are actually many
of them many - most of my videos believe
you know I from what I believe we are in
spiritual in a massive spiritual battle
to be and this is really where I come
from and I and and so all of this money
that's been changing hands and it's been
been created as it's basically been an
ongoing spiritual battle for many many
many years now yeah all coming to a head
mm-hmm that's really what this is and so
go watch my videos you'll get to
understand you know who where I come
from and oh you know and and why I say
what I say but we are in a spiritual
battle and we are in very very you know
important biblical times so my videos
cover a lot of that so go to my videos
goal 2020 forecast on YouTube yeah and
then if you know and if you are like an
analyst are not analyst but if you are a
person who's interested in timing cycles
and like hey when Bitcoin does get to a
top in December what's a good point to
get out because it will draw up again
you know so if you're looking at timing
points you know didn't go to our website
goal 2020 forecast and then our Bitcoin
index how specifically to things we're
now recovering varying in close detail
actually on our website
which are all of our subscribers again
as they are getting a stock cycle which
has been incredibly accurate yeah for
the past few months now okay like
incredibly and we are like down to the
wire here on the stock market yeah okay
before things aren't to get go crazy
so it's been really accurate and the
stock market event is what's gonna
trigger the Bitcoin event and the gold
event yeah okay
and and so the second thing we cover on
you know on our website is is the
Bitcoin cycle specifically and what to
expect in terms of specific time points
or dates into the future so we do have a
time point which we do expect good
quarters are to break away or to spike
and this correlated exactly also with
the stock market crash Wow and so it's
work we're living in really really
exciting times demons so I'm really
between now and year-end
you should see fireworks okay you know
when when I first started doing this and
I was asking people you know this was
January February March April and as
asking people what do you what do you
think bitcoin is gonna be at December
31st 2018
and most most people were in the 30 to
$40,000 range yeah you think is gonna
make it back up to that by by December
31st see here's a problem that I have
yeah using using a cycle analysis I can
give you a date that the top will come
in yeah okay which is one of my
subscribers get yeah but I don't have
the price okay I have the date you have
the date which is about more important
anything anyways okay yeah but I've had
to get a gap if I doesn't the simplest
guess I'll give you is probability of it
being over $10,000 pretty good high 90s
pretty good yeah over $10,000 high
ninety percent and could be much higher
than that more maybe but at least you
know that be that but if it does get the
ten thousand it's basic game over
because it's a bit broke away it's it's
a break oh yeah because right now if you
look at it it's been dead flatlined
yeah September October November is
flatline okay so if it gets a 10,000
that's called a break out okay and and
all Chartists know what a breakout is
yeah it means pile in yeah so even if it
does drop and it goes up and down it's
only gonna keep making higher highs and
we're off to the races again you know
with with with the cryptocurrencies and
and contrary to what a lot of people
outside of our world say like I've got
some friends that were we're nudging me
going oh I see that the Bitcoin has lost
all of its momentum and no one no one's
into Bitcoin anymore that's and that's a
great point you say you know what I
remember that tune is $400 yeah and then
you turn around and and it goes to
20,000 yeah oops that was at a 50 X move
yeah yes you know so again and it's true
it's just funny the people people love
to buy high yeah and sell out of here
you know everyone so how many people
sold to fit you know the Fed that
dropped his pastor we couldn't drop to
$5,500 right I think about it Oh
bitcoins going to go to zero it's gonna
go to $2,000 I got a sell and get out
right yeah okay well good news but if
you look at what I just Illustrated to
you you know that that cycle chart is
gonna win yeah and so Bitcoin will soon
a not be at $10,000 and if you sold it
at five fifty five hundred dollars well
you know I'm sorry that you got scared
but you basically you know you you
played out of the moat you acted out of
and not on emotions at the door yeah
yeah and you acted out of the motion and
you didn't act out of out of
intelligence or mean like of just
understanding what cryptocurrencies are
yeah what they are is an alternate form
of money transactions around the world
and as accepted by most of not by the
it's accepted by the people who
understand what it is yeah right
and soon enough more and more and more
and more of the population will get to
understand what it is and more and more
are gonna have to buy it yeah but it's
not until it starts to break away and
start to do stupid numbers again we're
people gonna like Bitcoin what is it
right you know so that's kind of the
last bowl or everybody's talking about
it you know but that but but this next
run is going to be you know eventful
like you've never seen before because
when it takes off and this next one it's
never looked back
you look back but never these prices
again it's the dinner looking at Bitcoin
today at 5500 is like looking at Bitcoin
$400 last December last was a January
2009 you're 2017
I believe bitcoins in the 400 400 yeah
right so so at 5500 today we got an
to Bitcoin 401 Wow so even though you're
painting your film
but on the other end of the to achieve
just incomplete cornichons
you want to look at alternate points
because they are some of them are 20
some are 2 cents 25 cents under $1 all
right well let's let's keep it to watch
where it goes and we'll keep some
updates going and you know make sure
that everyone goes to gold hold 24 guess
all right where's our beer that's true
it is Friday yes right it's a good note
to finish on it is right afternoon all
right beautiful beautiful really nice
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